Search Results
David Freedberg: Welcome to Aby Warburg 150. Work. Legacy. Promise
Horst Bredekamp: Warburg, Berlin, the Middle Ages
Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities
Georges Didi-Huberman: Discharged Atlas: Uprising as ‘Pathosformel’
Destruction of Monuments and Memory in the Middle East: David Freedberg
Carlo Ginzburg: Aby Warburg: Morphology and/or History
Contemporary Image Conflicts: Violence and Iconoclasm from Charlie Hebdo to Daesh - David Freedberg
Andrea Pinotti - Variations without Theme: Warburg and the Morphology of the Neutral
Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: Aby Warburg and the Future of the Humanities
Claudia Wedepohl: Genesis without End: Warburg’s ‘großes Buch’
Aby Warburg Metamorphosis & Memory Promo
Christopher Johnson: Warburg's ‘Zwischenraum’: Between Hieroglyph and Diagram